War for the Overworld Wiki

Costs 3000 Gold

Requires 8 defense parts



For all their firepower, your active defenses fairly fragile objects, and will easily break should your enemies make a conscious effort to dismantle them. To counteract this problem, you can build a rampart around your - essentially a cage of wood and metal that allows the defense inside to keep firing while at the same time shielding it from harm.

Once a rampart has been built around a defense, it will absorb any and all damage directed at it, and even if the rampart is destroyed, the defense inside of it will emerge unharmed - at least if whatever destroyed the rampart followed in kind.

Another notable trait of the rampart is that it will block the path of enemies whereas normal defenses usually can't do this. On the good side, this means that enemies won't be able to simply march straight through your defensive lines once your blade loti (which you hopefully have placed in front of your other defenses) have been destroyed. On the bad side, the rampart also blocks the path of YOUR minions, so a closed line of ramparts will prevent your own workers from venturing past it - be it to retrieve gold, corpses, or still-living bodies for your prison. Because of this, the lines of your ramparts should have at least one gap through which your minions can walk through.
